ECSE425 - Computer Architecture
Project repository for ECSE425 - Proposing hardware optimization changes for cache, made for adademic use.
Subject: Computer Architecture
Topic: Effect on cache performance
Research question: What are the performance effects of changing the architecture of cache memory?
Research proposal: Our Team Bankers consists of Ismail Faruk, Nabila Aziz Shifat and Jiawei Ni. We plan to investigate the effects on the performance of cache memory using EduMIPS64 and Dinero cache simulator. We plan to explore on the performance of direct mapped caching and set associative caching, in comparison with the default setup and their effects on performance of the delay required to access particular levels of cache, the size of caches, etc.
Built With
- JAVA - The programming language used
- Apache ANT v1.10.5 - The Java library and command-line tool used
- MIPS64 - The version of MIPS architecture used
- EduMIPS64 - Visual and cross-platform MIPS64 CPU Simulator
Dinero IV - Trace-Driven Uniprocessor Cache Simulator
Old Dinero Fronted
- New Dinero Frontend
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details